Print tests
These are the four photos I've selected for test printing.

Set 01
Early Light Port Elliot - This is where this lot of work started, and is the progression from my Fleurieu show of 2023. I've gone back (or progressed to) traditional photography for this new work, and think I'll stay here for a while

Set 02
Early Light - Crockery Bay. I really like these, and also like the direction, but wonder if they have enough punch. I don't know if I speak with the authority yet to make these, but I would like to keep trying.

Set 03
Early Light Crockery Bay Port Elliot. Aesthetically OK I feel but are they pure or gimicky?

Set 04
This is the bunch from northern NSW that surprised me. I was not going for them but some nice skies near the end of the day demanded attention. Initially they disappointed me but they came to life in the edit. I don't know if they are outliers or they might fit in somewhere.

Set 05
Another set that surprised me. Unsure about these.

Set 06
I like the seas in these, but not sure of the strength of the images as a whole

Misc 01
Here's where I've put some images that I liked enough to edit, but that I feel are not as strong as the others. I probably do have at least three from each family though.

Text 01
Early stages of explanation. A Statement and further thoughts for clarification.